Our mechanics' offer these services
The Swan
Saturdays, 11am-12pm
Every Saturday between 11-12pm we run free bike servicing at The Swan. Whether it’s bike safety checks, maintenance, repairs and advice, we will help in whatever way we can. Priority is given to those on a Group Ride or those that have made a booking – which you can do by following this link!
The next Dr Bike event is being planned for later in the year. Please keep checking back here and keep an eye on social media. In the meantime, why not try our Bike Kitchen held every Saturday.
Free, book-able bike checks designed to keep people’s bikes in safe and reliable condition.
Similar to the Saturday Bike Kitchen, we offer minor repairs and safety checks. However, booking is essential.
We will get back to you by email to confirm the reservation. If we are unable to fit you in on the day we will add your name to the waiting list and contact you later.
To help our qualified mechanics check as many bikes as possible, we ask that owners please ensure bikes are clean for the checks. We may refuse or ask you to clean particularly dirty bikes..

Bike Refurbs
We do sometimes accept bike donations with a view to refurbishing them so they are available for sale at affordable prices to the community. However we have limited storage space and mechanic’s time so we cannot accept everything we are offered. If you do have something you think may be suitable, please get in touch on the email, ideally with some photos.