Welcome to Windsor Cycle Hub
We’re a charity, run by volunteers, based at The Swan in Clewer. Our key objective is to increase the accessibility of cycling in and around Windsor – helping to make it a reality for all.
We open every* Saturday morning at 11 for free Bike Kitchen repairs and Guided Rides.
*Excl. Xmas & New Year
Pedal To The Park – Sunday 15th September, 2024
We’re riding from Stag Meadow (by the football club) up to The Village in Windsor Great Park – to show you how easy to do and what a great place it is to cycle. Click here for more info & to book.
It’s FREE and for the whole family – kids to grans. Solo riders are welcome too, you’ll make plenty of new friends.
We’ll be at Stag Meadow between 13:30-14:00, for check-in & last minute booking. We’ll be at the Village until 15:00. See you on Sunday the 15th.
What's new?
- We are now using BlueSky as our primary social media channel and have dropped X completely. Click here to create an account and follow us.
- Bike Donations: Thanks to everyone's generosity, we're close to capacity at the moment. Please don't just bring bikes in - check in advance by emailing info@windsorcyclehub.org if you have something suitable to offer.
- Guided Rides: ALL rides will now leave at 11:00. Please arrive at 10:45 having pre-booked.
Bike Kitchen: free safety checks and basic repairs, EVERY Saturday between 11.00 and 12.30 – booking highly recommended
Saturday Sessions at The Swan
Bike Kitchen
11:00 – 13:00
Need help with a puncture, uncomfortable saddle, ineffective gears and brakes or just have a question? We offer free minor repairs and safety checks. We want bikes out of garages and back on the road. You need to book a slot, which you can do at The Swan, but it’s better to do so in advance to avoid disappointment.
Guided Rides
11:00 – 13:30*
We ride every Saturday (except in rare months with 5
Saturdays). We start the month gently, for people returning to
cycling, with a Level 1 Easy Ride, building pace, distance and hilliness as the month progresses – rising to a Level 4 Advanced Ride on the fourth Saturday. It’s best to try Level 1 first and take it from there.
All rides now leave at 11:00, so please be with us up 15 mins earlier for safety checks. Level 4 rides leave on the dot, a little wriggle room is given on other rides to pump up tyres etc. See Rides page for more info.
You must book all rides, and there’s a limit on numbers.
We’re proud to be affiliated with Cycling UK, please check our pages
on their website (link below) for our full schedule and ride descriptions.
What We Do

In addition to our weekly Saturday Bike Kitchen, with its free basic repairs and safety-checks, we run training sessions on puncture repairs and more thorough servicing at our Dr Bike sessions. Follow us on social media to find out when the next sessions are.

Guided Rides start and finish at The Swan* in Clewer, Windsor. We check our bikes and chat about the route before we depart. It’s essential that your bike’s safe to ride in a group with others – hence the Bike Kitchen (but please don’t wait for your first ride to get it checked thoroughly). We’re back in time for a refreshing drink and a chat.
*Unless it’s a rare Away Day – check here or follow us on social media for info

We’re grateful for the support we receive from local businesses and organisations that value our town too. We’re proud to play a part in helping Windsor to be a great place to live – for all of the town’s many diverse communities. We’re dedicated to helping Windsor become a safer place for people to ride bikes. We also play our part in trying to reduce bike theft by offering free Bike Register marking.
Our Base
We’re the cycle hub based in a pub.
Our gracious host, The Swan community pub, is well located for cyclists – just off National Cycle Route 4. The big courtyard, with stable blocks for our kit and bike-racking really help. It’s the social aspects of meeting and sharing a coffee, or locally produced beer, that makes it the perfect place. It’s no coincidence that our rides return to The Swan for lunch. Post-ride chats are what brings our diverse community together.

Get Involved!
100% Volunteer Run
Want to join the team?
Then it’s best to pop down to The Swan one Saturday morning for a chat, alternatively please email us on info@windsorcyclehub.org. We need experienced cyclists to lead rides and mechanics to fix bikes – but if you’re not that confident we’ll train you. We also need ‘meet and greeters’ and social media gurus.